Over the years I have accumulated tons of information that can help you right now with the health and beauty of your body. Beauty and health are definitely related. If you do the right things for your body's health it will show up in your body's beauty. Many subjects are covered on this page, so scroll around for the topics that interest you.
Our bodies are over 2/3 water, so the kind and quality of water you drink MAKES A DIFFERENCE. I'll bet the last thing 99% of the population thinks when they can't lose weight or lack energy is that they should go drink water.
Regarding water and weight-loss, I can't help myself but to say this, "Drink ionized water," before anything else. Why? You can do everything right. Eat right. Get the right amount of exercise. But if your body isn’t balanced for pH then the acids stuck in your fat cells won’t release. This phenomena is commonly referred to as a “weight-loss plateau”. You’ve lost weight; you know you need to lose more; but your body just won’t let you. How/why does this happen?
Fat is acidic, and to be eliminated it needs to enter the bloodstream. Yet your blood is strictly monitored for a 7.365 ph. This creates a pH-balancing dilemma which the body now must solve.
Water Ionizers help you achieve pH*balancing for your cells as well as helping them to become healthier with the outstanding antioxidant properties of ionized water. Both of these things help you to lose weight. The pH of your blood is a life-death matter. Literally you will die if the pH balance of your blood goes off by even 2%. As a protective mechanism, if it becomes unbalanced with acids, your body will do the following things instead of allowing you to die.
For me weight management has been consistently easier since I purchased my first water ionizer back in the 90’s. Drinking ionized water has definitely given me a real advantage in achieving my weight management goals, and it's easier now for me to keep my weight in check now in my sixties than it was when I was 40!
Weight loss and management has been studied by many “experts” over the years, and it is recognized as a very important subject. It would be nice if all you had to do was follow one or two simple advices, but because it's a complicated problem, it requires a bit more than a single solution. Not all of the "expert-advices" I've studied over the years have been true. The internet is flooded with so much false information and hype, that the truth really takes some digging (and experimentation) to sift out from the falsehoods.:
Having been a student, in both theory and practice, of weight-loss and nutrition for about 50 years, I have learned that in addition to the right water and exercise, you need to know the scientific principles of how to lose weight healthily and keep it off. There is no one set of "right foods to eat for losing weight", but there are definitely facts about the whole subject of weight loss and nutrition that if you don't have, you may not be able to stay healthy while losing the weight you want. Or, you may not be able to lose weight at all. I have found powerful answers to the weight loss dilemma, that really work, and have developed an exciting program to share with you. Learn more about my unique study of Nutritional Weight Loss and get your copy of the program now! Start taking control of your weight loss today!
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Obesity is a silent killer. It is far more dangerous to your health than most people know. If you need to lose weight it’s important for you to educate yourself in the scientific principles of weight management in addition to drinking alkaline ionized water. Read more about why you should drink ionized water. Benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water
Your body needs balance and part of that balance is a certain variety and amount of healthy food and water. But, one factor in getting your body properly balanced is exercise. Exercise will help your circulation, muscles and increase the number of calories your body can digest in a day. It will also improve your digestion and make more lower-GI-produced vitamins available to you.
How do you get enough energy to exercise every day? One thing that I have [and I also hear this from customers all over] is ENERGY! Alkaline ionized water helps to reduce oxidation of cells, therefore making your cells healthier and gives your body lots of energy! I often hear from people who exercise that if they drink ionized water before or even during their workout, it helps them get into "the zone" quicker and stay there! I've also experienced this myself.
In addition, regular exercise will give you more energy. Read more about: The Value of Exercise & Alkalizing Your Body
An easy way to get started working out and feel some instant success is with the Body Shaper Exercise Ropes. I call using the body shaper ropes "doing core exercises on steroids". I just can't say enough about this great product. In my early years I used these ropes to get in great shape after having babies. Now I use them whenever I can. It’s a great core-muscle workout. Just fantastic. I recommend to do it 5 minutes at a time, twice per day.
Weight gain does have something to do with eating more calories than your body needs. When you don't get enough exercise your body won't be able to eat enough calories to keep you healthy [without making you gain weight]. Or, if you eat the wrong foods you may exceed your body’s daily limit of calories without even feeling fulfilled – thus be forced to overeat.
When I turned about 61, I found that the number of calories I could eat daily, without gaining weight, had reduced from my earlier years. I think part of this is that I used to be more physically active in my job [teacher] and now I work primarily at a computer most of the day. So I increase my daily exercise, and what a difference!
Your Inner-Most Cells and Organs are Alkaline-Loving
Beauty Starts on the Inside. At 8.5 pH to 9.5 or 10 pH alkaline ionized water is the perfect drinking water, so drink alkaline ionized water! It will help to neutralize the acidity of the body and slightly alkalize the body. Alkalizing the body will help to ward off infections, cancer and other invaders to the naturally healthy and beautiful state of the body. Alkaline ionized water also assists in the safe removal of toxins from the body. In addition to the health-benefits of alkalizing your body, the negative ORP [oxidation reduction potential, another way of saying "antioxidants"]] of alkaline ionized water will provide the body with lots of easily absorb-able antioxidants. Antioxidants are important in order to prevent free-radical damage that would otherwise be caused by oxidation within the body.
Your outer-most cells and organs are acid-loving.
Skin, Hair & NailsYour skin, nails and hair do not like alkaline-mineral deposits. Your exterior cells and organs are much different in their pH requirements than the innermost cells and organs of your body. Most people don't realize this. Did you know that the skin is the largest organ of your body? It is! And, it is actually one of your organs of elimination. We don't usually think of skin this way, but sweating is one of the ways our bodies get rid of toxins. As an organ of elimination, the skin is adapted to loving an acidic pH. The hair and nails are related to the skin, and have the same pH needs as the skin does -- which is acidity at the level of about 5.5 pH.
High alkaline opens pores and acidity closes them. Normal, healthy pores want to be closed tightly. This protects you against invaders [such as poisons, bacteria, viruses, and fungi]. There are occasional reasons to want to use alkaline solutions on the skin and hair. Washing, for instance, to get rid of excess oils and dirt. Read more about that, below. Also, if you have clogged pores [such as pimples or boils] you will want to temporarily open those pores to let the puss out. Whenever you do open your pores, you will want to close them again by using the lowest pH your skin can easily tolerate [which is about a 3.5 - 4 pH]. Your acid mantle [outermost layer] of your skin is your body's first line of defense against bacterial, fungal or viral infections. It is important to maintain this acid mantle at about a 5.5 pH. However, because of the nature of soaps [soaps are typically a high alkaline pH in order to emulsify and flush away oils] the acid mantle is often left at too high of a pH after bathing or showering. The consequences of this is a breakdown of the acid mantle, drying out of the skin, and roughness caused by a build-up of alkaline minerals left on the skin. Rinsing with acid water helps to remove the residual alkaline minerals and restore your skin to its perfect 5.5 ph-level.
Soaps are usually alkaline in nature, because alkalinity helps to cut through grease [which is one of the things you're trying to clean with soaps and shampoos]. 3 - 4 pH-level is perfect for neutralizing the skin and hair [which should be about 5.5 pH, but because of alkaline soaps and shampoos you use, the skin and hair are usually found to be way off-balanced]. Acid water [a by-product of water ionization] is a perfect skin toner and conditioner.
Doing an acid-water hair rinse is an awesome way to utilize a water ionizer to its fullest advantage for your beauty! Shampoo is most often found at a high alkaline pH. A high pH solution applied to your hair will open up the hair cuticles [the cuticle is the outermost hair-layer surrounding each hair shaft], and expose it to becoming dry and damaged. It is most beneficial to the health and beauty of your hair to close the hair cuticle . The cuticle opens with a high pH and closes with a low pH. When you rinse with water at a pH of about 4.0, this low pH water combines with the high pH of your newly washed hair and restores it to its ideal pH of about 5.5.
Beauty Secret: Hair that has tightly closed cuticles has a smooth, shiny, silky look to it and doesn't split at the ends.
Another tip to keep your hair cuticles from becoming damaged is pre-shampooing, also called "pre-pooing". Acid water is perfect to be used to pre-poo your hair. Pre-poo by pouring acid water, about 4 pH, over the hair and let it sit for a minute before shampooing. The acidity closes up the hair cuticles, thus preventing the hair shaft from being exposed to and being dried out by the shampoo.] Then after you shampoo [and condition if applicable] give a final rinse to your hair with about a 4 pH acid water. This will again close up the hair cuticles and protect your hair from drying out or otherwise becoming damaged later on. Using acid water in the above ways [to pre-shampoo and rinse your hair] can end up saving you lots of money in expensive hair products while giving you the same, beautiful result!
Natural, Healthy Coolant: Acidic water can be placed in a spray bottle and brought with you to sports or other outdoor events in hot weather. When you set your bottle to mist, this has an air-conditioning effect of cooling off your body. It's healthier for you to use acid water at about a 5.5 pH in your mister, rather than regular tap water, because the goal of misting is to cool yourself, not change the pH of your skin. The proper pH of skin is about 5.5 pH.
I have one last beauty-tip, and that's about the clothes you wear. Add acid water (the by-product of creating alkaline ionized water with an electric water ionizer) to your final rinse cycle of any load of laundry. This removes residual alkaline minerals from the clothing, brightens up the colors of your clothes, softens the laundry naturally, and not to mention adds to your beauty while wearing them!
Start yourself on the road to a healthier, more fit and more beautiful you. Discover for yourself your own body pH and how this may be influencing your ability to reach your ideal weight. Request your free pH Strip kit today!