Dr Otto Warburg stated that ‘The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by the fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation.’ He also hypothesized that cancer occurs when there is hypoxia, or a lack of oxygen at the cellular level, and stated that if a cell is deprived of 35% of its oxygen requirement for 48 hours then that cell could turn cancerous.
Only 5-10% of cancers are linked to genetic inheritance while the other 90-95% are directly related to many other factors including poor diet, toxic overload, exposure to radiation, asbestos, smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, a lack of exercise, a few viruses, chronic inflammation, and chronic stress, all of which have the ability to compromise the immune system.
Our bodies are continually developing cancerous cells throughout our lives. Nutrition expert and author of the book Beating Cancer with Nutrition, Patrick Quillin, Ph.D., says that the average person will manifest a cancerous situation about six times over their lifetime, yet only one in three people will go on to develop a detectable tumor. This is because a healthy immune system is able to identify and destroy these cells before they can grow further. It is only when the immune system becomes overwhelmed and fails at this most basic function that cancerous cells are allowed to grow and spread.
With that in mind, it is time that we look at cancer as a symptom of an already sick body, not as the main problem that the body may be suffering from at the time of diagnosis. If we took this approach first, then we would understand that we can make some immediate changes that will address the toxic cellular environment that created the cancerous condition in the first place, and then get to work building up the immune system (which is the key to surviving a cancer diagnosis). Some methods to do this will include addressing nutritional deficiencies with an anti-cancer diet and supplementation plan, consuming healthy fats that make up a properly functioning cellular membrane, employing detoxification remedies that can clear the cells and the body of its toxic overload, moving the body to increase the lymphatic circulation as well as to bring necessary oxygen into the cells, and adopting a suitable program that can manage toxic stress.
Healthy cells are aerobic- meaning that they burn oxygen and glucose (blood sugar) in order to produce APT (or adenosine triphosphate, which is the energy currency of the cells). The process is referred to as aerobic respiration, and the cycle of creating energy is called the Krebs cycle.
Whenever one of these disruptions occur, there is not enough oxygen for the cells to respirate properly and so they are forced to stop metabolizing oxygen and glucose for their energy and they begin to ferment glucose instead. Fermentation is a much less efficient form of energy production and this process also creates a lactic acid by-product that acidifies the surrounding tissues.
The interior of a cancerous cell is a hostile environment with very little oxygen, a low pH, and a lack of nutrients. There are several reasons why normal cells will turn cancerous:
How to begin oxygenating the body; 4 steps toward healing:
Angiogenesis is the process by which new blood vessels are formed and is responsible for much of the growth and spread of cancer. Once a tumor grows to a certain size, the tumor sends chemical signals out that stimulate the growth of new blood vessels that carry the blood to it. If you can stop the tumor from receiving a blood supply, then the tumor will essentially “starve” and die. The following is a list of anti-angiogenic supplements and foods that can be added to your healing protocol.
Deep breathing– most people are shallow breathers. Here is an exercise to help you become more conscious of your breath and this will assist your body in becoming better oxygenated, as well as relieve stress, and has the added benefit of releasing toxins through the lungs. Take a full breath, in through the nose and then expand the chest fully. When you think your lungs are full, then try sucking in just a little more air. Hold this for a few seconds and then breathe out through pursed lips to expel the air out slowly. Repeat this exercise for 5 minutes at a time, and do this multiple times per day or when you need a boost of energy.
Make sure you are getting adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. These can be difficult to obtain from the diet alone, so taking a Quality Multivitamin can help to cover any nutritional shortfalls.
The kidneys are also responsible for removing the excess acids from the body. Because of this, one should work on cleansing and strengthening the kidneys. Uva Ursi tea, chanca peidra, horsetail, aloe vera juice, dandelion tea, and drinking fresh juice made from beets, celery, and including more raw fruits into your diet plan are all helpful ways to cleanse the kidneys..
“Buy a filter or be a filter”- Your body needs a minimum of 50 ounces of water per 100 pounds of body weight per day in order to flush toxins out of the body and to stay well hydrated. Consider purchasing a water filtration system that will remove fluoride, chlorine, and other chemicals and metals that are found in municipal water supplies. A simple carbon filtration system will only remove chlorine so don’t assume that any filter will do the job. You can find products online that will remove the harmful elements and leave the beneficial minerals intact, such as a Water Filter System.
Recipe #1 – take one gallon of water and add 1/2 tsp Himalayan sea salt, the juice of 4 lemons or limes (and toss in the skins too), 1 tbsp of raw, organic honey, and a pinch of organic stevia (if needed) and drink this throughout the day. Sea salt contains 82 trace minerals which will enhance this water. Lemons and limes will create an alkaline ash following digestion.
Recipe #2- take 4 tbsp of fresh lemon or lime juice, added to 8 ounces of water. Drink this 4 times per day.
Recipe #3- adding Alkaline Drops into your filtered water.
Stop drinking soda and coffee– soda has a very low pH, with nothing scoring below 3 on the pH scale. They contain phosphoric acid, which is not only bad for your teeth, but also terrible for bone health by promoting a chronic deterioration of the skeletal system. Try drinking water with fresh lemon juice to help you break this habit. Additionally coffee is another acidic beverage, try limiting yourself to only 1 cup of organic coffee per day and then switching to green tea which is more alkaline instead.
Author Ann Boroch shares various ways to alkalize the body