If you have ever stayed at a fine hotel, resort, or bed and breakfast and found you slept especially well because of the high-quality hotel bedding, you may have experienced the comfort of DOWNLITE. The national company provides pillows, comforters, and other bedding products in properties around the world, and offers those same products for purchase to use in your home. Their unique Hotel Finder can help you find items featured in hotel rooms so quality rest is attainable no matter where you are.
The DOWNLITE database includes over 450 hotels that carry their bedding. Simply access the Hotel Finder from the menu on the company’s website. Then, enter the name of the property where you stayed in the search field to find your hotel. Your results will display photos, information, and prices for the hotel bedding that property or resort has purchased. If you cannot find your hotel in the database, you can contact DOWNLITE and they will look it up for you.
An even more efficient way to guarantee you purchase the exact bedding you enjoyed during a hotel stay is to take a photo of the law tag on the pillow or comforter before you check out of your room. All you will need is the style and model number on the law tag. This alphanumeric code consists of capital letters and numbers. Use this code to search for and purchase the perfect bedding on the DOWNLITE site. The company has a short video explanation on the Hotel Finder page to guide you along the way. It’s that easy—and soon you’ll be enjoying the same level of comfort at home that you experienced in a fine property or resort.
Ready to start enjoying resort-style comfort in your home? Contact the professionals at DOWNLITE. Call them today at (866) 931-3696 to learn more, or visit them online and use the Hotel Finder to locate and purchase the perfect hotel bedding for a quality night’s sleep at home.
A quality down comforter is essential for a good night’s sleep. Not only does it help you to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the night, but it also adds a comforting layer of weight, which increases feelings of security. But, with the abundance of options available on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right product. The easiest way to simplify this decision is to focus on the following three components.
3 Signs of a Superior Down Comforter
Fill Power
Fill power is one of the first features you will encounter when shopping for a down comforter. It reveals how many feathers per ounce were used during the manufacturing process and determines just how warm these products will be. High fill power, for example, is a method that uses large quantities of down in production and creates a comforter that’s substantially fluffy. Low fill power uses fewer feathers and will provide a cooler cover for sleeping.
Investing in a quality pillow is important for a good night’s sleep, especially if you’re a light sleeper or have problems getting to bed at night. If you want to improve your daily rest, then one of the feather or down pillows from DOWNLITE may be ideal for you. Below, they’ve compiled some information about both options to aid in your decision.
Do you enjoy scrunching up pillows behind your head or between your legs? If so, feather pillows will be your best bet, as they’re more easily manipulated. Feathers are flat and have a spine, meaning they usually like to lay flat inside the pillow. This makes them thinner and more comfortable for those who don’t need a lot of support to get quality sleep.
A good night’s sleep benefits your health, increases productivity, and improves your mood. Choosing the right comforters, sheets, and pillows is an integral part to making sure you rest well. DOWNLITE is an online purveyor of high-quality bedding that transforms your room into a relaxing oasis. Below, their experts explain how to equip your bed with the right products.
The right foundation makes all the difference when it comes to comfort. A mattress pad provides extra cushioning. It also can prevent your sheets from bunching and slipping off the corners. Investing in a high-quality model is an essential step to creating a restful environment.
The holidays are just around the corner. For many, this means friends and family from all over are coming to stay in your home. One of the surest ways to impress guests is a cozy, stylish bedroom of their own. According to DOWNLITE, the national bedding company, addressing a few elements like the pillows will turn their visit into a hotel-like experience.
From the bed to decorative touches, here are a few tips for creating the perfect guestroom:
Use Seasonal Pillows: Decorative pillows can transform the look and feel of any room. When friends or family come to stay, fuel the festivities with appropriate decor. Arrange holiday-appropriate pillows all around the bed. Not only does this provide a centerpiece to the room, but it adds an extra level of comfort.